Sunday, May 24, 2009

Too Off For Minors

REMINDER : this post is a little too off for minors. please be guided.

it's 7:46am here (Manila time) and i just got home from a graveyard shift at the operating room. I'm really tired and my tummy craves for food since i have not eaten my breakfast yet. i only had a glass of milk and a piece of bread. i haven't got any decent sleep. but i don't want to talk about how tiring my duty was. i want to talk about something else.
I was there at the Operating room for almost 8 hours and the atmosphere was lax and cold. we enjoyed the southing music of Michael Bubble since the anesthesiologist is feeling so sentimental while playing Bubble's song on his cellphone.
about 4 hours ago... or less.. i was standing in front of that Operating room table and felt really exhausted and tired of standing since i had 2 other cases handled earlier. what was in front of me was a 35 something man with his left foot wrecked from a vehicular accident. that wasn't really nice to see. all that blood and that wrecked toes. pretty much disgusting i tell you. but thats pretty normal for me. i don't puke when i see draining blood from someones skull or something that looks like that. it looks really disgusting though and i pitied the man for being so stupid, driving under the influence of alcohol. serves him right. haha... brutal am i? kidding.
and so... we laid that man on the table and looked blankly at him. he's sober and i guess anesthesia has taken its effect. and he is now freely naked in front of us all. though covered with thick and sterile linens.
the surgeon (whom i have come to know for the past years) came up to me while i was standing and staring at the man and simply whispered: "have you seen a 'ball bearing'?" and i was shocked. thats odd. i asked him: "what do you mean? you mean the one on the....?" and i was lost in words and just couldn't stop from giggling as he replied: "i mean... what is in your mind. thats how i mean it" i shook my head as he continued: "follow me, i'll show you". i followed him and moved directly towards the patient. as the doctor simply removed and lifted the linen from the mans' maleness and he hold the mans' armor and pointed out what he wanted to show me. i now understood what the surgeon is trying to tell me. that small pieces of little ball materials underneath the mans' penis. wondering and all, i bravely asked again: "do they put that surgically?" and he replied: "yes. they do" stunned and all, i just simply smiled at the surgeon and walked out in the room and got myself some air. as i went back to the room, i asked the surgeon: "is that normal?" and blankly stared at him as he replied: "it isn't because i haven't got one... haha" as he giggles around the room. i wanted to ask him if that little things underneath a that mans' penis were necessary, but i know curiosity kills a cat and though i'm not a cat and i don't look like one, i know for a fact that its a little off to ask questions like that. I'm on the operating room for Christ sake. not in a sex education class. haha
so I'm not that really naive. i know what the surgeon means and i was just wondering what it looked like because i haven't seen one. as i sat in the chair after the minor operation was done, i kept thinking. is that really necessary? why do something like that? to what? to increase the sexual appetite? to satisfy the woman in bed? or that person is really insecure about the size and length of his penis? or insecure about his capabilities to satisfy a woman in bed?
when that penis enters a womans' vagina, does that hurt? damn!
what the heck. I'm 21. ok. and i know little and not really "much" about sex and stuffs related to that subject. but... Holy God! why would someone do something like that to their penis? can someone justify that? haha
i will sleep now. not really imagining how it feels like to be laid by someone with something like that. haha... i will sleep peacefully thinking about the replies from brave souls who can answer this post. nyahaha... is that necessary? would a normal person do that? haha..
think.. think.. think...
enjoy the rest of the day!


May 29, 2007

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