Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mah Papa

i really don'y know what to write in here. I"m quite confused now. well, as always.
hahay... so tired. physically and emotionally.
don't even know what to do. i wanted to shout. to cry. to get drunk.
I"m oh so confused.
here i am again, listening to an old music on my player.
oh yeah! music...
i started loving old music ever since the world begun... hahaha...
my father loves music so much that we often sing together.
i grew up listening to the likes of neil sekada (sedaka or sadako? hahaha) ABBA, carpenters, bread, eagles... etc...
every Sunday, after mass, my father cooks breakfast for us and while we're all eating our happy meal, the back ground music was that old songs...
thinking 2 years back,
i can still remember, tatay was lying on the hospital bed.
he's feeling so bored and i was there with him.
i hold his hands and combed his hair.
i told him : "tay, kanta ako... ano gusto mong kanta?"
then he started humming... don't know what it is. cant recognize the hum.
it was an old song i guess.. hahaha...
then i started singing songs while holding his hand.
i wanted to cry while doing that, but i savored the moments.
i don't want him to see me crying...
and every time i failed a certain note or a line, he corrects me.
oh yeah, that was what? almost 2 years and the memories are still vividly clear on my mind.
my sister told me i haven't grow tired of remembering the past.
i have not moved on.
and if i kept on doing this,
there'll be no progress at all.
that's why i'll stop now :(
music and beyond.
that's what binds me and tatay together.
and though, we haven't had much memories together, (since he left me long before i noticed he did)
and much of the time we spent on his last days was full of sad truths, bruising pain, and endless disappointments, all i wanted to remember about tatay now is the happy moments we spent together.
and while writing this stuff, i cant help but cry... oh yeah!
cry and cry and cry...

pS: this is the last song i sang for tatay:


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