Sunday, May 24, 2009


im really confused right now with a lot of things....
about life,
about happiness,
about eternal peace,
about love,
about marriage....
a "friend" told me, that i am the type of person who become "judgemental" in some way...
i agree with her, i often become one...
but as i ponder on this thoughts, i asked my self...
am i really judgmental? or people often misunderstood me?
the way i speak my mind,
the way i voice out my thoughts,
the way i express my self...
i accept the fact that sometimes, and even often times, i mis-control my emotions, i often freak out,
i often become so righteous about some stuff, often times become so idealistic and forgot being realistic....
i speak what's on my mind, the way i thought of it...
often not minding if it'll hurt anyone...
am i becoming heartless?
emotionless perhaps?
or is being honesty a crime now?
or is being "yourself" a sin now?
i really am confused...
and i don't like this kind of emotions...

it is making me weak...
this is tearing me apart...

tearing my soul apart...

im confused....
i really am...

--Dec. 29, 2006--

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