Sunday, May 24, 2009

When Small Things Makes Big Difference

i have been staring on this page for quite a moment now. wondering where to begin and somehow loosing the grip of thinking. i am still on the process of evaluating things i as started pressing the keys on my keyboard.
been a little drunk last night. i drunk all the way through a number of glasses of punch with rhum which ate Jing made. she also made a leche plan --- that looks a lil more like a pudding since it was over cooked. but taste like a leche plan still and we have had a good laugh while discussing the "thing" why it went the wrong way. my brother's came along to eat dinner and fix some manly things in the kitchen. things that i cannot do since i dont know nothing about electricity and "manly" works. my Kuya Lando works miraculously on simple things like that. my Kuya Ninoy knows something about it too, but prefers Kuya Lando doing it. He better sit there and joke around and making things a little bit lighter for all of us. making us all laugh 'til our tummy aches like hell. i on the other hand made out dinner, ginataang monggo. taste good on the tummy since i so love food that has coconut milk on it.
it was a fun and joyous thing to realize that when simple things like this happens, it brought smile on out tiny lil faces. gatherings like this, though not so big, meant a lot to our nanay.
having a simple yet decent food and eating together as family of one is priceless. these are the moments where we bind as a family and we laugh together as one. these are the priceless moments we spend good life with. these are the true laughters that we seldom have. priceless moments that cannot be bought in the market.
we are just like them. like all of those who at one way or another believed that life is special and life is good and is worth living.
you? when was the last time you sat on your dinning table, shared one glass of water with your brother and sisters, nephew and nieces and just laughed all the way down til sun down?
when was the last time you had a fair dinner with your mother and cooked dinner for her and ends up having criticized because your garlic isn't fried enough?
when simple things makes a big difference and the path you chose leads you to be far from your family. so ill ask: when was the last time you had a real family dinner, ate with much gusto and laughed whole heartedly?

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