Sunday, May 24, 2009

When The Anxiety Level Is High

i feel so bad now --- my anxiety level is as tall as Mt. Apo... imagine --- 3 nights to go and the world would turn up side down -- life would change 3 nights from now.
no! am aint getting married --- hahahaha
as the anxiety level is getting worridly high, my self confidence is getting freakingly low --- damn! what went wrong with me ---
and now --- i feel so darn FAT! i even founf out that the uiform which i will use for the up coming local board exam doesnt fit my waist line anymore --- waaaa ----
well, it fits but i coulf hardly breath normally when im seated. damn :(
wala lang gusto ko lang mag express ng thoughts ko :) hehehe
a day ago --- sunday --- it was the town feast and my ate along with belyn decided to go back in our old native land ---
i watch how tall ferry's wheel and i wanted to ride and have fun but i hesitated, instead, i along with my niece --- sheena, a housemate iris and belyn rode a tea cup --- tea cup is --- well i dont know how to describe it.
the tea cup was spinned very fast and it was like the world spins more and more faster. the ride was so heart stopping and i felt like the my heart beat stops for a while there.
i closed my eyes and shouted as much as i can to elevate and loosen my fears and anxieties --- i shouted and shouted to my little hearts' content.
then i stopped.
the next stop was in a bar --- music bar where live band played their wonderful pieces of old - rock - country songs.
i enjoyed every single minute as if that night would never end.
as i now sit here --- things changed a bit --- still with a little palpitations and a bash of fear ---
PS: please do pray that i would pass the local board exam this december 1 and 2, 2007 --- i would take the NURSING LOCAL BOARD thats why my ansiety level is high --- please keep your prayers because 3 days from now, my world would change --- personally and professionally.
thanks :D

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