As i was writing this story of my life, i couldn't help but stop and think of nice thoughts... and of course, the sad one...
there's this one man i truly like and I've learned to love... but because of this sad circumstances, i have badly lost him. he left me with a sad note of goodbye.
i wanted to stop him but i couldn't. he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. he just told me that he cannot live a life with a long distant relationship because it seems not working... and so let go, i did.
i feel so sad because today is supposedly the "10th month" of our relationship. though he's far,it seems to me like he was just a walk away.
but as i often said, not all good things are meant to last and life isn't always a bed of roses.
the funny thing is that i am now starting to hate the month of November because each year it is giving me heartaches, but i have to believe that failed relationship has nothing to do with the horoscope, month or the stars.
we are making our destiny. driving our own lives.
it's just so sad that i have to let go of someone i truly like and love.
sad but true
--nov. 10, 2006--
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