Sunday, May 24, 2009

How To Justify A Lie

is it rightful to give someone a second chance? i woke up with this thoughts banging on the wall of my half awake, half asleep brain. ***sigh***
if he or she lied and you got hurt, do you think it is still worth it to save the friendship / relationship and sleep over the pain and act as if nothing painful has happened?
to what extent should second chances be possible? if he is real and the emotions are authentic, then why did he or she even try to hurt you? or even attempted to lie? if he or she was able to lie and hurt you now that the emotions and feelings are still vulnerable, could it be possible that these things can occur again and again?
if we are only humans and capable of doing mistakes, is that a fair reason to justify a committed lie? isn't it that lying a choice? to commit or not to commit? are we not taught during our elementary years that it is morally unjust to lie? and it is harmful to one's trust and loyalty?
furthermore, isn't it factual to say that in reality relationship and friendship ends because a lie has been committed? if we break someone else's trust, what is there to give more? isn't it factual to say that after a certain lie, we become uncomfortable to our friends or partners and that we're caught between telling the truth or leaving it as if nothing has happened? we become confused and tends to do more rightful things to compensate to the committed sin?
to sum this up, we are still bounded by our morales whether we like it or not and it will always be our choice to weigh things up and adhere to what our hearts tells us, to what our conscience tells us. it will always be our choice to drive the way to our destined path of life. and it will always be my own question to my inner self, on how to justify a lie ---

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